Sliders, etc

Here is a list of sliders & other useful things available with their download links :

S L I D E R S :

Front Knee Slider by Elizabeth Hall

Pastern Length Slider & Crested Neck Sliders (Neck & Head Counter) by Elin Fredriksdotter (Missing Link)

Horse Size SliderBaroque Neck Slider by Bongo

Head Position Up, Head Position Down, Ewe Neck, No Withers, Slim Cheek, Draft Cheek, Roman Head Morph, Gentle Head Morph & Teke Neck Sliders by Eray Evren Stud Farm

Neck Smoothing, Leg Base Width, Chest Rotation, Chest Shape, Shoulder Size, Hindquarter Size, Leg Length, Tail Set Height, Anti Derp Eyes, Belly Height, Dished Face, Bridge Location, Broodmare Belly, Chin Scale, Draft Leg, Ear Curve, Ear Direction, Forehead Width, Hoof Size, Muzzle Height & Quarter Height by Shoreline Hill Stables

Tail ThicknessLeg Size SlidersHead Size, Belly Width & Muzzle Size by PharaohHound at Mod the Sims

Tail Thickness & Neck CurvatureFlagged TailDraft Neck Slider  by Eyelet

Dressage Neck, Butt Height, Arabian Ear & Back Length by Kyra at LoveXHorses'

Baroque Neck by Drako Stud

Exotic Ear Curvature & Tail Length Fixed by Morning Star Equestrian

Ear Sliders by One Euro Mutt

Head Carriage & Head Width Sliders by smop95 at Mod the Sims

Horse Belly, Snout Shape, Hind Legs Defect by Litlewolvies at Equestrian Sims (Registration Required)

O T H E R :

Stallion Junk by Cmar

100 Layers Mod by Gem at Spotted Acres

HD Horse Coat, Coat Enhancement Markings, CoraPntr's Eyes HD Coat Compatible, Eye Detail Marking, Muzzle & Body Detail Markings by Lakeside Saddlery

Original Default Horse Eyes by CoraPntr at Mod the Sims

No-Shine Tail Fix (Foal & Adult Versions), No More Hoof Cube  by Equus-Sims


  1. THANKS!!! These are so helpful!!! xxx

  2. Thanks so much for these! But the only problem is that the dropbox links for the hoof cube and no shine tail aren't there. It says: "This file has been moved or deleted." Do you possibly know where it may be now? Thanks again!

  3. Could you please tell me what happened to the beautiful palamimo coat that was on here?

    1. Sorry, some older items are no longer available.

  4. eu amei os seus sims seus cavalos seus equipamentos do parabens para vc!!!

  5. My computer won't let me download the tail thickness slider... Can someone help?

    1. A direct download link has now been added for Eyelets Tail Thickness Slider as their website is down.

  6. how do you contact the people who made the sliders i have a request but don't know how to contact?

  7. sorry posting again as i forgot to click notify me
    is there a way to contact any of the people who made the sliders as i have a request and don't know how to do it myself

    1. Your best bet would be to join the Equus site and post in the 'Wish List' thread to see if any of the creators would be able to make what you want.

  8. Hello X-tina! Thank you so much for this list but, I can't figure out how to get the sliders from Litlewolvies at Equestrian Sims. I've tried to register but don't understand it very well, could you please help? Do you possibly have a direct link to them? Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi, yeah you need to register at Equestrian Sims, it can take a while (sometimes months) for them to register you. They are very strict on that site so I am not allowed to give direct download links or e-mail things, sorry. I don't actually have those sliders in my game as I don't find them useful to me. I think you just have to be patient with them.

  9. I'm so amazed by the awesome talent of so many simmers!
    I wish I had a bit more patience to learn how to use layering in the coats better myself.
    Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

  10. problem with downloading, some of the downloads have error messages when i click on the files to open it on winrar

    1. Which ones can't you open? I can check them but I use 7zip myself to open RAR files which is here :

  11. When I download these, they come up as Internet Explorer icons instead of the sims 3 CC icon. Do I put them in a mods folder or something?

    1. Sliders come in PACKAGE File format so they just need to go in your Mods folder yes.

  12. Hey! Some of these links don't work for me and I was wondering if anyone knew links that did work?

    1. I just checked all these links & they are working fine. Which ones are you having problems with?

  13. Amazing! Maybe someone know where can I download MAS draft neck and arabian neck?
